NSRA Springfield '09

Current Projects Carvings Where's Norm? That DVD

Where’s Norm?  Springfield, Missouri for the NSRA Mid-America Street Rod Nationals

May 21-24, 2009


 Norm came to this event and so did Kookie II.  Regulars know that Kookie II travels inside the Kookie Monster to and from events.  Unfortunately the Kookie Monster has been feeling a little ill since the NSRA Nationals in 2007.  This Spring Norm brought the transporter to Razorback Rides with the order to, “Give it enough power to stop struggling on hills”.   The 502 infusion will be covered in depth elsewhere but Norm’s News had trouble keeping up with the Kookie Monster during the drive from Arkansas to Springfield.



 The Kookie Monster spent the weekend sleeping at a nearby hotel, no longer on life support.



Long time friend Jack Hochmuth came down from Illinois to see Norm, since he was here, might as well check out the show too.



Can you guess why this photo is called “LOOK OUT!”?



Johnnie is no fool.  He knows “behind” is probably the safest place to be. 



Some friends came from far and some from in town. 


Greg Frick can answer just about any driveline question.  Inland Empire Driveline had a very trick new quick release front yoke.  This can be handy or essential depending on the application.  Norm had one question, and Greg had a great answer, “About $150.”


Thursday after setting up it was time to get together at an offsite get together.  Around six o’clock Norm was asked to say a few words.  Around seven o’clock the DJ got the microphone back.


Add one speed bump and we’d have flake and shake.


Trucks are always welcome here at Norm’s News.



ANOTHER Studebaker?


Except for the colors there was a time when parking lots everywhere looked like this.



Blue with flames….you don’t see that every day.



If you want to stand out in a crowd, paint it red.




What’s the paint code?



Bet there’s an injected Sting Ray out there glad that this ram induction is parked for the night?




Why is Norm so happy?


Because he likes jewelry.



A recurring question when the Kookies are in public is, “Who did the chrome?” 



Not many people are invited to try out Kookie’s seat.  Is this someone special?  Just the “BUSHMASTER”.  Does piloting a couple thousand horsepower make someone special?  We think it does.



As we all know, Norm has no sense of humor so please never let him know about this photo.




The Woodie is cool, the price per gallon bites!


A few late night tasks before loading up in the morning.  Wasn’t that Vette silver a couple of days ago?




The staff here at Norm’s News was one car short and needed a ride to the fairgrounds after lunch.  Neil Heely came to the rescue with his early Stake Bed.




The red peaking out from the interior was cool, the orange peaking out from the louvers was hot.




You bet it runs.




Too bad this photo is not what most people are referring to when the words, “MOPAR’s Passing” are now uttered.  Let’s hope better time are ahead for a great family of automobiles.




An apostrophe trailer, that’s cool.




Norm brought two of his latest carvings.





When Norm talks about “The View”, gossip and gabbing are not what we’re referring to.




How can you deal with the possibility of a little twist when more than 10 times the original horsepower are passed through the chassis?




OK, a ’46 Dodge, cool.  Road worthy, cooler.  Daily driver, that’s really cool.  The wife’s daily driver…SHE’S VERY COOL.




Carol and John Dolan, but this time taking a break from organizing a car show.  Norm has been at several of their shows in Little Rock.  As a matter of fact, he'll be there October 23, 24 for their upcoming show.




Last March Norm was in Detroit for the début of Ron Kregoski’s Kookie clone.  In Springfield Kookie II and Ron’s Kookie clone were side by side.   By Saturday Norm stopped looking up every time he heard, “Hey, nice pair”.  



Celebrities of Norm Grabowski status and stature receive many “perks” while attending events.  Meals were included during this event.  Johnnie Overbay who is caring for the Kookie clone, told Norm that the crackers and canned cheese were “Unlimited, so eat up”.  The no doggie bag rule did disappoint Norm though. 



More fun at the fairgrounds.



The caliber of cars was very high.  Even the ones without paint had many special features.



If you were in a Mitsubishi would the sight of this on your “six” make you nervous?



Will this car, be a participant at an NSRA event in 2084 (or maybe as early as next year)?


Old or new, performance beats practical nine times out of ten.




That’s Karsten Piefrement.  He brings a lot of talent everywhere he goes.  Norm said, “Bringing talent is great but don’t forget to bring your lovely wife, Cindy.”


"That's better."


We heard this one run before it was trailer time.  Nice.




Jack said that Norm’s transportation needs were covered for the weekend by his International, Ford and Chevrolet.  Norm thought Jack was bringing three separate vehicles.   Jack told us that, “This baby has great highway legs”.  Hard to argue with that statement.



Does Norm look so happy because he’s surrounded by Hot Rods?  Looks like he’s made his way over to a nearby restaurant, a restaurant with a bar perhaps?




It’s not all about High Boys.



The people aren’t a blur because Kookie II is flying.  Kinda looks like the people are moving pretty quick though.




Norm and the Norm’s News staff spend more than a few hours at Mr. Gilberti’s in Hollister, MO downing deep dish pizzas.  We consider our selves experts on the topic.   Trust us, these are deep dish. 




 Now that Norm has the Kookie Monster back on the road and running good He’s had an idea for the next project.  “Make it look as good as it runs.” 



Sounds like a lot of work, keep checking here for the story.  How about a little “teaser”.


Click on Above to see the Monster reborn....

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